.. _usage-docs: Using :mod:`zope.event` ======================= The :mod:`zope.event` package has a list of subscribers. Application code can manage subscriptions by manipulating this list. For the examples here, we'll save the current contents away and empty the list. We'll restore the contents when we're done with our examples. .. doctest:: >>> import zope.event >>> old_subscribers = zope.event.subscribers[:] >>> del zope.event.subscribers[:] The package provides a :func:`notify` function, which is used to notify subscribers that something has happened: .. doctest:: >>> class MyEvent: ... pass >>> event = MyEvent() >>> zope.event.notify(event) The notify function is called with a single object, which we call an event. Any object will do: .. doctest:: >>> zope.event.notify(None) >>> zope.event.notify(42) An extremely trivial subscription mechanism is provided. Subscribers are simply callback functions: .. doctest:: >>> def f(event): ... print 'got:', event that are put into the subscriptions list: .. doctest:: >>> zope.event.subscribers.append(f) >>> zope.event.notify(42) got: 42 >>> def g(event): ... print 'also got:', event >>> zope.event.subscribers.append(g) >>> zope.event.notify(42) got: 42 also got: 42 To unsubscribe, simply remove a subscriber from the list: .. doctest:: >>> zope.event.subscribers.remove(f) >>> zope.event.notify(42) also got: 42 Generally, application frameworks will provide more sophisticated subscription mechanisms that build on this simple mechanism. The frameworks will install subscribers that then dispatch to other subscribers based on event types or data. We're done, so we'll restore the subscribers: .. doctest:: >>> zope.event.subscribers[:] = old_subscribers